Are we READY for SANTA! (Dec. 21, 2009); Story Teller Deb Engler (left)

Santa Claus came and left! Preschool Story Time has special guest Gene Marshall as SANTA CLAUS, with Deb Engler Story Time Cordinator

Who is having more fun Santa? Child? Storyteller? Gene Marshall as Santa, Hailey Gilmour (Child), Deb Engler Storyteller

Pin the hat on Frosty; CJ Barela (Child), Deb Engler Story Teller

Big Wishes!! Johnny, Santa (Gene Marshall), Melissa Barela

Be my Valentine! (Jan. 25, 2010); Clare, student from Jane’s World

Jane’s World (Jan.25, 2010); Miss Renee Good (Teacher), with Clare, Torrin, Mariposa

Jane’s World (Jan.25, 2010); Miss Renee Good (Teacher), with Clare, Torrin, Mariposa

Mayor Mac Holder Helps to Celebrate Dr. Seuss Day; March 1, 2010

Ralph Merkinger Helps to Celebrate Dr. Seuss Day;
March 1, 2010

Mayor Mac Holder and Ralph Merkinger Read for Dr. Seuss Day, March 1, 2010

Enjoying a snack for Dr. Seuss Day