- Best Sellers
- Books on CDs
- Color Printer (50¢ per page)
- Colorado Books for the Blind
- Colorado Grants Guide – online and in book format
- Computers for public use
- Copier for public use (10¢ per page)
- DVDs
- Fax service for public (25¢ per page)
- Free Internet
- Friends of the Library organization
- Image enhancement readers
- Interlibrary Loan
Internet access
- Kill-A-Watt tester
- Large print books
- Local/state newspapers
- Magazines
- MonoMouse enhancement reader for checkout
- Newspaper Archive database
- Paperback books
- Picture books
- Preschool Children’s Story Time
- Reference materials
- Scanners
- Slides and projector
- State and Federal tax forms
- Traveling Titles (library materials for home-bound)
- Summer Reading Program
- Videos
- Friends of the Library Activities
- Wireless Connectivity
- Workforce daily listings
- And, of course, BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS!